I decided to share the things that I found useful on the internet. This is some kind of sharing of my bookmarks. I hope that you find these as useful as I do. Here we go!

  • Lately I was very unproductive and procrastinating everything that I was supposed to do. In the meantime, I came up to a framework called Getting Things Done. It presents a guide to organize the things that you’re willing to do. So you are automatically passing the very dangerous deciding what to do next phase. Because sometimes this phase takes too long time and you’re ending up not doing the actual things you wanted to do.

Here is the hacker news discussion where you can find people’s advices for GTD and tools to apply it.

  • Sometimes we could be picky about the editor theme and font we are going to use for programming. This site solves the half of the problem and lists the nicest programming fonts. Worth to check out if you are in search of this kind of stuff.

  • Experienced sysadmin Justin Weissig is making screencasts about his expertise. I found his site while I was looking for sources for Linux containers and Docker. His presentations are well-prepared and detailed and most importantly not boring. I will definitely continue to follow his screencasts.

  • When you choose Facebook or Twitter account to sign up a web site, a standard called OAuth is being used. If you are a web developer, you probably knew that already. If you want to know how this protocol works under the hood there’s a post which explains OAuth in plain English. If you want to step further and learn more about OAuth and OAuth2, you can also check this amazing post.

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This is just the beginning. I’m planning to write more stuff like this and make a post series which I named Hey, I’ve Found These.